[citation][nom]matt87_50[/nom]lol, it closes ANOTHER port?? wouldn't that be a bigger concern?does it close the port on another computer? like "its ok dude, I'll save you from a memory leak, I'll take one for the team."[/citation]
It's an ALPC port, are you thinking of regular data ports or something? It would take an exceptionally large amount of time (or an insanely high amount of power requests) for this to show up in standard use, since each ALPC port takes approximately 4KB of memory. Assuming the port never closes, and assuming new ones are opened at (the default) of one every 30 minutes, it would take 6 days straight for 1MB of memory to leak, and it would take almost 40 years (straight) for the system to bluescreen because of it, under normal circumstances.
I'm not saying this isn't an issue, but is an extreme edge-case scenario really worth making an entire news posting for? It's just another bug fix that would never have shown up in standard testing - I expect this only even manifests itself if you have software installed that polls power status far often than normal is healthy.