Microsoft Killing Desktop Gadgets in Windows 8?

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I have never use gadgets.
Then again Windows 8 is in itself a big gadget, which along the lack of the START button missing (this was not a gadget) although Microsoft might have think so, might be the stupid "reason" why it was removed.

Long live Windows 7!
It's just another way to reduce the functionality of the 'legacy' Desktop so folks move to living 100% in Metro land.

Well Live Tiles are kind of like Gadgets, but for a company that screams "DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS!" it doesn't seem wise to ditch the hard work your developers have created over the last 5 years.
Just more proof that MS has decided that the customers needs to be pushed in a new direction even though the customer feedback on the new direction "No, we don't like that.".
Only gadget I use is the weather, and I have a few instances open for where I and my family live. Metro Weather is a good replacement for this, the other gadgets I have tried over the years were never used longer than a week with the exception of the EVE Online gadget that let me know how my character was progressing.

All told Gadgets were a poor copy of Widgets, but they felt they needed to compete with apple even though hardly any apple users use widgets to begin with.
I have a shut-down gadget on the desktop on win 8, as far as I know it is just a collection of command line scripts to execute the different options, does this still run on the sidebar exe route? I choose hibernate so on reboot I am straight back onto the desktop.
MICROSOFT!?! What the hell? Why not just get out of the desktop OS business? You must really get behind the hole "The desktop PC is dead" thing. Damn this is frustrating!
Looks like I'm not buying it then. I have more than one screen, meaning that when I'm not using all of them for work, I can ALWAYS see the gadgets on the desktop, and I don't need to open the start menu first.

Windows 8 has a lot of good improvements, but if microsoft keep taking away essential features(image backup, aeroglass, gadgets, etc.) I'm definitely not going to consider it.

Release preview had all the goods, and now microsoft is taking it all away.
Oh, Microsoft finally figured out that Live Tiles are exactly like desktop gadgets?

Yeah, they're doing everything they can to push users to Metro, where they decide which apps can be offered, where they get a 30% cut on all sales and revenue from ad-supported apps. All that is worth to them more than all the users who hate Metro. That's why they're forcing an inferior UI (for PCs) with inferior capabilities and inferior (or non-existent) software.

Windows 7 will be supported until 2020, and I'll probably be using it until then.
M$ wants to charge for Apps just like Google, Apple, Amazon etc.... But if they're not careful they may just lose their golden goose. (The Desktop) + (Office Suite). And they want to move to a walled garden approach like Apples, and Win 8 is phase 1.
This is some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard!

So, besides screwing over the poor Win8 suckers.... Microsoft is going to be active in screwing Windows7 users by removing the gadgets we are already using?! WTF!

PROOF that Microsoft has lost their Fracking minds! All the have to do is not have gadget support in Win8, then it won't have an effect on WIN7 users (The #2 MS OS).

So, to YOU WIN8 Lovers.... do you really THINK we can just STAY in desktop mode? So, if I want weather(which I have) system resource management (which I have) that I can see while Im working... I have to go to the shitty START SCREEN and scroll to see the damn weather or anything else?

LOL, proof again than Windows8 is doomed to be worse than vista.

They are purposely making Win8 desktop so damn ugly, that you don't even want to look at it.
Another reason not to get Windows 8. If they offered Windows 8 for $9.99 i wouldn't buy it because it is abomination of Windows. Windows 8 is crippled Windows 7 just so they can sell couple Tablets. I have news for them WP8 and Surface will fail just like WP7 and Zune failed. I can't wait to see Windows 8 becoming the biggest flop product ever released. MS deserves it because they are being arrogant.
Windows 8 -> No Aero, No Image Backup, No DVD support, No Media Center, No Gadgets, Cripple Desktop by removing Start Menu -> Windows turned into a big smart giant phone. Thanks no!
Right on! Wow, I think we are about to witness the biggest trainwreck that is about to happen!

As pissed as I am about Win8, its going to be amusing to watch MS shit all over themselves. What did they do, hire a bunch of people from Commodore and RIM?

I'll be OKAY as long as Win7 is available to buy... but these strong arm tactics by MS suggest that will not be the case. Meaning my ability to build new PCs for myself and my clients will be cut-off. I can't sell a POS win8 PC to anyone.

Well, Windows XP is still available on Amazon, and I don't think Microsoft can do a thing about it.

Even if there's only Windows 8 available, there's probably going to be many ways to completely disable Metro. Microsoft couldn't protect Windows 7 from being pirated, I doubt they can stop Windows 8 from being de-Metroized.
They won't release a Window 9. But it is possible to release a service pak that removes all the crap (metro) and change the desktop skin back to PR version. Maybe they'll even call it 8.1. 😉 (actually, it would be easier if MS would use normal names: 7.1, etc.)

I'm guessing steve ballmer will be leaving MS in 2013.
[citation][nom]killerclick[/nom]Well, Windows XP is still available on Amazon, and I don't think Microsoft can do a thing about it.~ Microsoft couldn't protect Windows 7 from being pirated, I doubt they can stop it
from being de-Metroized.[/citation] Huh? What? No. MS stopped making Windows XP discs since the release of Windows7 (actually just before). What you are looking at is USED copies or the few NEW copies left on the market. See that, $200~300 for XP-HOME "unopened" versions. That does little for most people. So that would be the same for Windows7.

About the piracy: Yes - everything is pirated... and AGAIN, its useless for business and legit users. And the effort and work to BREAK Win8 and turn it into 7 is not an option for MOST consumers. If its possible, it could break its security validation... no updates, illegal copy, fines for tampering with software, etc, etc.
[citation][nom]belardo[/nom]I'll be OKAY as long as Win7 is available to buy... but these strong arm tactics by MS suggest that will not be the case. Meaning my ability to build new PCs for myself and my clients will be cut-off. I can't sell a POS win8 PC to anyone.[/citation]
Stock up now! Invest in a pile of win7 OEM disks and stick them in a closet. I know I have a enough fresh win7 disks to power a small business.
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