MS lets (and wants) people use their os illegally. For the past couple of months, another new built was "leaked" every other day. Non of the OSs MS released had a serious copy protection (I know, everything made by humans, can be cracked by humans). As a result of this policy, almost all home user choose windows over linux sonce both of are free and windows is more compatible with their friend's/company's computers.
This leads to big companies and businesses to adopt windows based solutions thinking that they should be compatible with the majority of the users in order to maximize thier profit. And this is goal of MS. They make their monay through these companies; and it's a more stable source of income compared to end use purchases.
I was using linux as main os for the last 3-4 years and I was happy with it. Now I decided to try win7 (I'm not a fanboy of anything, I make my decisions by trial) since it's also "free". So far Win7x64 is going well; but let me tell you, you should give ubuntu x64 a try. I've been constantly upgrading my os with the new version when it comes out. I don't have to make a clean install to avoid my system becoming frankestein.
anyway, I didnt sleep well and I need a cup of coffee, thanks for reading this bs so far.