i thought MS was gonna call theirs 'steve' - loud, creepy, always misdirects and lies and ends sentences with 'garr!'
cortana sounds stupid. siri is smaller and easier to pronounce. imagine yourself actually saying 'cortana <command>' out loud and still feel like using their virtual assistant.
If MS integrate 'Cortana' across the board within their ecosystem I and it actually works from launch I can see this being very good and could be the start of not only using voice commands for basic commands and questions but total voice controlled computing.
As for the name, personally I feel silly saying the word 'Siri' out loud. I think it sounds like someone trying to say 'Sorry' while drunk. The name has to be a rare word/name to avoid inadvertent activations.
If they get Cortana's voice actress to come in and do voice work for this, I'll buy a Windows Phone for sure. I'm already leaning towards a Nokia Lumia because I love the cameras, this would put Windows Phone over the top for me.
Please make a version for Desktop/Laptop that is significant smarter by using the power of i7/AMD-FX CPU(that can be use offline). Then it may have reason for casual user to keep buying Ivy-E/AMD-FX just to make their computer smarter. (Intel/AMD will like this)
If they get Cortana's voice actress to come in and do voice work for this, I'll buy a Windows Phone for sure.
My requirements for a phone are more technical than the particular voice used in an IPA. Besides, they can easily use someone from the NSA and get paid for it.
If they kept the VA and the name, that would certainly put it over the top for a nerd like me. However, I think that "Cortana" is too nerdy for the general populous, so I'm guessing that they'll probably change it. I really do hope that they keep the name and the VA, though XD