Actually Windows NT was the first true 32-bit Windoze. Prior to that Windoze was a 16-bit/32-bit hybrid. The NT core, with updates and improvements of course, is used in Windows NT, 2000,
XP, 2003, Vista, and 7.
Windows 8 is also listed as being in the NT family but there are major changes; all designed to tie the user to Microsoft's apron strings. Limitations in programming and some interesting hardware caveats promise to make any use of Windows 8 beyond casual Internet surfing and email checking a tedious if not painful process. The user interface is the first obstruction to anyone using a keyboard and mouse. New programs (or apps as Microsoft wants us to call them now) have to be written / compiled on specific platforms and then will be made available only from the Windows Store (ala, iTunes - who says Microsoft marketing wasn't paying attention to this billion dollar market?!). The BIOS has been replaced with a hybrid software/firmware device that can be accessed remotely without your knowledge or consent (which mirrors a similar addition in Intel CPU hardware BTW). The "essentially" default storage is Microsoft's cloud computer. I say essentially because most new users won't have a clue as to how to do anything different. All new Microsoft-branded software is on the rent-forever track (ala, Office 365) which has always been the case for corporate users. A marketing coup which has not gone unnoticed elsewhere. Adobe is hard at work getting their users to rent rather than own ... and it ain't cheap, my friend! Arguably they have bought / innovated their way to the top of the heap in some software areas and they are planning to milk this for all its worth. A friend argued that this was better ... I'm waiting to see if he still likes this arrangement after ten years of paying monthly fees to use Photoshop and Office (I bought Office 2000 and it still works great ... I haven't laid out a nickel since that original $250). He argued about getting all the new features. I laughed. That ribbon interface -- now spreading through parts of the Microsoft OS itself BTW -- has to be the greatest impediment to speed / creativity I've ever seen. Some features I commonly pull off a menu in seconds aren't even accessible from the "ribbon". My son finally determined that some can still be accessed if one uses secret / unpublished / undocumented keystroke combinations. He's a genius that one. Another generation and the poor Millennials won't even know a feature is missing; they've never had access to it and won't even know it existed. It's all part of the plan to simplify the user which will make support that much easier and lower costs overall. Only us old timers will remember when one could do really fun stuff on a computer ... but I digress.