Do the Apple bashing trolls ever get tired of looking like filthy, ignorant geeks? I used to work with your type every day. No company could ever offer me a high enough salary to do it again. Absolutely the worst creatures walking the Earth today.
Geeks, no one gives a gnat's fart about you or your opinions on what constitutes a useful device. I know Hollywood has gone through a phase of trying to make geeks seem sexy and generally smart, but the spotlight has revealed the reality: you know some computing stuff, and that's effing *it*. No, gaming and anime and Doctor Who minutiae do not count as being smart.
You do not know everything. You not liking a device does not make it a toy and people buying something you don't like does not make them stupid. Some day that fact will finally seep through your thick, dense skulls and you will realize what horrible individuals you have been and how decrepit your personalities have become- I estimate somewhere in your late 40s from what I saw.
Get over your tiny, insignificant, repulsive selves.