So it is no secret that @
USAFRet has a
tiny chip on his shoulder about data security and backups. And we should all be thankful for these ultra annoying individuals
who will just not desist in strewing salt in the wounds of our shortcomings, for our own good. Excuse me while i go check my settings ....
That said, it is difficult for me to accept that scrum development seems to have lead to higher productivity, but also more churn and lower reliability. IMHO it needs to be reconsidered what is release and what is beta. And the stack from bios to os to software needs to be synced in a much more robust way.
Sure, if you WIN and mail and surf in the tepid office baby pool then life is in pampers . Pack an adobe suite on the top of it and nvidia studio drivers - and i am sure there is much worse - then wonder why html emails no longer render, or why gpu 3d rendering suddenly = bspod. OH! Because the studio driver is not compatible with the bios, of course. This is the kind of sh*t i don't want to have to deal with, whether 3% more can be squeezed out of the system this week or next year is irrelevant to me.