Microsoft Sales Decline for First Time Ever

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I think 7 will boost Windows sales by much the first year!
There are many myself included waiting to get 7. I have bought vista myself, but don't use it (kind of a waste of my money).
My laptop will always go XP, but perhaps a future desktop for gaming might go 7!
As long as it's not Vista,I'm happy to buy.

Does MS do some exchange? (like exchange your Vista disks for a Win7 disk (and pay a couple of bucks)).. That'd be cool!
Then they would see how many actually want the switch!
[citation][nom]ProDigit80[/nom]I think 7 will boost Windows sales by much the first year!There are many myself included waiting to get 7. I have bought vista myself, but don't use it (kind of a waste of my money).My laptop will always go XP, but perhaps a future desktop for gaming might go 7!As long as it's not Vista,I'm happy to buy.Does MS do some exchange? (like exchange your Vista disks for a Win7 disk (and pay a couple of bucks)).. That'd be cool!Then they would see how many actually want the switch![/citation]

7 is based on vista, its so close to the same vista drivers work just fine. i cant stand people who are so ignorant to this fact
Oh, come on, Maurath... you're the one I'm more annoyed with.

First of all, you quoted a complete moron, so that even after we neg his post into oblivion, if people don't think what you said was stupid enough (which it was pretty stupid) I'm stuck looking at it still. Thanks for that.

Second, your point is bullshit. Windows XP was based on the Windows NT kernel. Many pieces of the GUI were very similar as well, and lot so the drivers built for NT worked on XP. But, XP wasn't really just an evolution from XP. Windows Me was also based on Windows NT and was supposed to be the successor to 98...

History repeated itself. Microsoft tried to make a consumer OS from a kernel they hadn't tried that on before... made something that was incredibly unpopular, but learned from the mistakes and came out with a solid product a few years later.

While Vista is definitely no where close to as bad as Windows Me, I still think its stupid to say that since 7 and Vista share much of the same code base that they aren't quite different products. I can't stand people who are so ignorant to this fact.
replace the line: "But, XP wasn't really just an evolution from XP" with "XP wasn't really just an evolution from NT or Windows 2000".

Also, on second thought, I suppose its not that annoying that you flamed ProDigit with a weak argument... since, at least you flamed him. Broken english comments with "me no like vista but me like 7" make me want to slap someone.
I wouldn't be surprised if sales fell partially due to such a successful Beta and RC of 7! People on XP got there hands on and probably said, I'll wait for this!
I have no problems with Vista 64. I've got it tuned just the way I like it, no UAC or Aero...runs like a champ for me, I don't think it's crashed since being installed. I as well think the Vista bashers are kinda clueless.

Frankly it's the little things in Windows 7 I don't like. The Vista task bar 3D looks sharper, I like the Classic start menu better and other details. Vista is just fine for me.

It's all just been media hype surrounding Vista (for the most part obviously)
ProDigit80 07/25/2009 12:15 PM Hide Insert quote. Report -0+
I think 7 will boost Windows sales by much the first year!
There are many myself included waiting to get 7. I have bought vista myself, but don't use it (kind of a waste of my money).
My laptop will always go XP, but perhaps a future desktop for gaming might go 7!
As long as it's not Vista,I'm happy to buy.

Does MS do some exchange? (like exchange your Vista disks for a Win7 disk (and pay a couple of bucks)).. That'd be cool!
Then they would see how many actually want the switch!

Agree here, Vista Premium is in a box in the closet somewhere, and I am back to using XP. Yeah, what a waste of money it was.
Finally. The world needs this decline BIG TIME. I don't like their products. I think we are forced to put up with junk they publish (in universities, work, and even internet cafe's.)

I hope microsoft losses more and more money! Everytime a new version of windblows is released we are forced to buy it and upgrade because there are always incompatibility issues between office formats and hardware.

[citation][nom]bk420[/nom]Finally. The world needs this decline BIG TIME. I don't like their products. I think we are forced to put up with junk they publish (in universities, work, and even internet cafe's.) I hope microsoft losses more and more money! Everytime a new version of windblows is released we are forced to buy it and upgrade because there are always incompatibility issues between office formats and hardware.[/citation]

You're an idiot. They didn't 'lose' money. Their revenue declined. They still made 15+ billion dollars in PROFIT. They aren't hurting.
I am so sick of people saying that Windows 7 is based on Vista - get the facts straight, and stop regurgitating misinformation! Windows 7 is not based on Vista. A simple search on the facts about W7 will clarify things. Besides, when was the last time that the successor of any outgoing OS actually managed to reinvent the wheel? We haven't used a really new OS is many, many years... They're all just tweaks and fixes, for the most part. I would bet the little bit of hair that still resides on my head that those saying how they won't upgrade to W7 will be using it within a month of its release!
quote:" said Kevin Turner, chief operating officer at Microsoft. “I am very excited by ...”
Steve Ballmer said: " I am exited."
[citation][nom]fulle[/nom]Windows Me was also based on Windows NT and was supposed to be the successor to 98[/citation]
Windows Me was not based on Windows NT. It uses an inferior kernel from the Win 9x line of OSs.

[citation][nom]omnimodis78[/nom]Windows 7 is based on Vista - get the facts straight, and stop regurgitating misinformation![/citation]
Please stop the hypocrisy. Windows 7 is an incremental update to Vista's kernel.
"In response to the changing economic climate, Microsoft has turned to layoffs for thousands of employees, which has helped the company soften the blows to the bottom line."
It's going to be kind of hard to find people to buy your product when you keep kick thousdands of people out of jobs! Maybe the real reason Office is selling for $29 a copy in China is because it's going to be an "employee discount."
Just fired MS myself. And Norton. Poor products. Poor security. I no longer have time to chase computer bugs while my customers are waiting on documents that I'm afraid to send due to viruses/worms/rootkits. Wasted over an hour w/Norton before ordering my Mac and picking it up that day. The transition has been smooth. Microsoft, you will probably NEVER get my business again. If Apple gets too overbearing I'll try Linux. And Norton: those guys are some serious scam artists.
[citation][nom]okibrian[/nom]"In response to the changing economic climate, Microsoft has turned to layoffs for thousands of employees, which has helped the company soften the blows to the bottom line."It's going to be kind of hard to find people to buy your product when you keep kick thousdands of people out of jobs! Maybe the real reason Office is selling for $29 a copy in China is because it's going to be an "employee discount."[/citation]
don't blame the company for trying to state afloat. Any company would do that. Company first, employees next, the rest of the world last.
[citation][nom]bk420[/nom]Everytime a new version of windblows is released we are forced to buy it and upgrade because there are always incompatibility issues between office formats and hardware.[/citation]
What's a new windows version got to do with office formats? And by the way, old office products can for free get an addon to support new office formats and even those of sun's office. And new office products support all the old shit, even word perfect and richtext!
As for compatibility - have you tried to compare it with apple's os or linux distros? you get way less compatibility with either of those than you do with windows out of the box. on linux most can be made to run though, but so can it on windows if it doesn't automaticly.
I think we are all missing something major here! Is it me or all all companies money grubbing backstabbers ??? Their NET ( not gross ) profit went down to 14.57 BILLION dollars and they mentioned they laid-off thousands of employees. I don't know the numbers but if they got rid of 4,000 employees making $100,000 a year then they saved 400 million dollars. If they would not have gotten rid of those employees then their NET profile would have been 14.17 Billion. That is a huge amount of money. Sounds like they threw a lot of people under the bus for absolutely no reason at all !
Our business continued to be negatively impacted by weakness in the global PC and server markets," said Chris Liddell, chief financial officer at Microsoft.

Or maybe Vista is a flop and didn't run Crysis as well as it should of 😛
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