More versions, People, keep upgrading and upgrading!
MS is searching for more ways to empty your pockets gradually,
so you won't notice, isn' t this great?
Now, there will be not only Software versions but also flavours of the same software versions.
MS shut up and make a single package with everything in it.
It's impossible to know what kind of users will need what kind of features exactly.
There will always be cases that don't match.
Hopefully we don't go to a system of paying for every little feature you need! That would be really costly in the long run, sick and time consuming.
Can you imagine.
Want to use Paint and stuff?, pay 10$ more.
Want to show hidden files?, pay 6$ for more windows explorer features.
Now windows 8 will have even more ways to empty your pockets!
Great freedom of choice there is then.
Real freedom of choice is being able to choose DIFFERENT OS's like Mac or Linux!