[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]I know the word "pimp" is intended to sound cool, but pimps are not cool. They are bad people. It's kind of like the slang use of the word "great person." Also pretty much not cool. I don't know why blacks use it, I would find it derogatory. If only blacks from 100 years ago heard them saying that they'd be rolling in the grave...it was a word made up by white men during the slave era. The biggest insult from the use of the word pimp is to women who are sold as sex slaves. Women everywhere should be appalled really.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pimp[/citation]
In a few years, “pimp” will replace “dude”, “guy” and “gentlemen” and “ho” for “girl”, “lady”, “ma'am”.