Microsoft to Roll Out Ribbon Again for Windows 8

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Ban the Ribbin!! it's crap. AutoCAD 2010 got it, and they had the forsight to make sure you could disable it.

Uses too much screen realestate
Why should it be at the cost of attractiveness? Text menu's are attractive? My old mother would like something rather icon based a thousand times better than having to remember a text-menu structure the way many old-time computer-users are used to. If Apple had suggested something like this it would be considered simply innovative. The way change in systems, even for the better, is often met with resentment is interesting, telling something about how conservative in a literal sense the IT community actually is. Despite it's innovative self-image.
So the browsers get slimmer and slimmer to the point of losing functionality. And Windows on the other hand wants to get to the opposite site of minimalistic design by enabling ribbons in the system.

Tbh I like the ribbons in Office, I work faster and I have no problem when using my 1920*1200 display. But in Windows, I already know all the shortcuts and take full advantage of right-click menus and the available real-estate.

Some changes made to Windows, I still think are to the wrong direction like changing the new control panel and the right-click menu in network adapters. But some are in the right direction like right-click menu of the sound.

About the ribbons, I agree with godofmosquitos that it will help novice users but I don't think they will be usable @ small screens. Keep the feature to let us disable it at will and it is a win-win situation.
I still often struggle to find all the little gimmicks and tools I once knew so well in office 2003 and sooner. Sure, it's PRETTIER now, but more productive? the article hits it on the head for me. I fear Windows 8 now...unless there is the option to just keep the plain old Windows (aero) layout.
[citation][nom]Kryan[/nom]I still often struggle to find all the little gimmicks and tools I once knew so well in office 2003 and sooner. Sure, it's PRETTIER now, but more productive? the article hits it on the head for me. I fear Windows 8 now...unless there is the option to just keep the plain old Windows (aero) layout.[/citation]
its called staying with windows 7, and there's an option to disable ribbon in windows 8
I'm considered a computer expert by most I know, and I feel so stupid if I ever have to use MS Office 2007 on their computers. Can't even find the basic buttons, thanks to me being loyal to Office 2003.
I used to hate the ribbon in office 2007 but now I love it. If you remember way back when you first started office, finding all those options buried in text menu structure was very painful until you memorized them. Same applies to the ribbon except now things are a bit more logical. Once I discovered that you can shift through ribbon categories with the scroll wheel on your mouse my productivity went way higher than with text menus.

That said, do we really need giant orange donut icons to represent changing picture orientation? I think much smaller icons off to the left of each option would suffice and save screen space.
that is some seriously ugly sh!t. Seriously microsoft, cut the crap, what has gotten into you. Your like a little brat acting up because someone took his toy. If you keep coming up with crap like this everyone will go to mac, and i really dont want to have to do that. Just make windows 7 more optimised and streamlined and call it windows 8.
The interface is f-ing ugly and makes people rely more and more on the question mark button or F1. Must be something designed by Gates' favorite nephew?!

From an IT standpoint, this ribbon junk is so different, the training required, alone, makes you consider a transition to Open Office. And now they want to apply this to the OS!!?

I'll tell you what... why not bury every frigging option under the help button?!! Just put one damn big windows question mark button up in the middle of the screen and people can run a search every time they want to perform any function?
Horror, ribbon nightmare everywhere ... WTF !!!
I am sure on 99.99% there will be no option to disable ribbon in explorer !!!
Ms have mercy over advanced users.
I actually find the ribbons much more intuitive compared to a (few) big ass drop down menus.

Although, the cost of screen real estate might make me want to reconsider that view🙁.
I like ribbons. They make sense when there is a lot of functionality that needs to be used frequently...
But there is not much U can do with files so keyboard (shortcuts) + mouse (right click menu), back and forth buttons, address bar and perhaps a tree is enough. If they can come up with additional useful functionality then please...
The ribbon taking up a bit of screen size is not an issue if it is actually used. Not just sitting there like a toolbar in web browsers. (keeping in mind that we don't use 800x600 anymore)
At work we still use Windows XP Pro as Later version Remote Desktop are not comparable with the hardware of our products. We use Office XP Pro also. We are slowly moving to centOS to keep moving forward but without the compatibility issues. I for one am Glad I will not have to use that Ribbon.
Hell, at least they're TRYING something new instead of replacing the square start menu button with a round one. You guys need to see more than 2 screens and a highly speculative article before you blow your tops.
I and others are fine and like Ribbon for products such as office. It does do what it was design to do.

But for explorer, I think it would be a pain in the butt, sucking up more space and changing ribbons ever few seconds. As long as it can be turned OFF, it can stay. Dor novice users, it could be helpful.
It's probably to make things a bit more touch friendly. But yeah, I've never been a fan of the ribbon.

TH: how come when I write a comment, press Submit, login as asked that my comment is removed so I have to re-write everything again? How come you haven't fixed that after all these years? That and the gallery system you've got needs work. What are your designers doing?
Damn there is always plenty of bitching here(Windows in not user friendly, its too user friendly). MS almost always has options to disable this new stuff, hell you can get Vista/7 to look like windows 2000 if you want.

There was the same thing about aero and even the new address bar that only shows the current folders(used to show full path, but this can be changed back as well if you want it enough).

Clearly this is not done yet, those lovely orange circles are just a temp image and will be replaced.

Give it time.
At first, I hated the change to Ribbon. With further use, I came to love it and would hate to go back to Office 2003.

Though having the OS centered around it seems a bit... odd. I'll just have to be optimistic about it since it improved Office so much.
Why does Microsoft insist on making the ugliest, least ubiquitous interfaces on the planet?
I really hate the ribbon. Text menus are so much better and productive. Ribbons just feel like toolbar icons and text menus "forced" together. If users really want this icon crap, then they can just create custom toolbars with big pretty icons on them. Why does Microsoft feel the need to force this crap on us. This isn't the days of Microsoft Bob anymore. Most folks are familiar with a computer and really get put-off when Microsoft forces everyone to be dummies with crap like the Ribbon, the animated office paperclip, the stupid search dog (which even has a purposeful delay where it winks and leaves when you disable it - Microsoft dev saying you going to disable this thing I worked at, I'll show you, I'll waste a second of your time)
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