Today, I have to use Office 2007 at work - corporate policy. Pretty much every time I have to edit a 40-pages document (not very complex, titles, a few images, and a summary), it crashes on save and loses all the work I did on it before. Please note that this is with all SPs and patches installed. At one time, I worked with Office 2010 - it crashed less, but it still crashed and would lose data.
I've been using all versions of Office since 97. All had the same problems:
- not portable,
- unstable as soon as you go past a dozen pages and try to give your document a structure,
- and formatting goes out the window as soon as your printer differs from one computer to another (this got better since 2007, but since the file format now changes with each subsequent version of Office, now you simply need to open the same document with 2 different versions of Office to wreck it).
Back in 2004, when I was writing my thesis, and having gotten fed up with crashes and having to recover corrupted data every couple of hours from a 30 pages document (I still had 390 pages to write), I switched to OpenOffice (version 1.1.2 at the time). Now, I'm running LibreOffice 4.0.3. What can I say?
- rock solid styles, at page, paragraph and text levels (Word doesn't support page styles); also, supports precise positioning and layout of text zones (Word doesn't support either);
- when OOo/LibO crashes (which doesn't happen half as often as Office's most stable version), it saves the document first, then exits. When recovering, more often than not the cursor goes back to where it was right before the crash... Or if it didn't it means it cleaned up the document, and you're starting from a safe point.
- Opening an OpenOffice document from 2003 on the latest LibreOffice version... Just works. It retains styles, formatting (inasmuch as you have the same fonts installed) and positioning rather well. Reverse is more often than not true (except for stuff that wasn't supported in older versions).
- Opening a .doc document will usually result in a faithful rendering of it, no matter what version of Word was used to generate it. More often than not, a .doc that makes Word crash, will open nicely in Writer, and will also save properly. Same with .xls and .ppt files.
- you can work with the same suite in Windows, OS X and Linux. The latter, in 64-bit too.
MS Office has some nice features, too - but, are they worth the price? In my case, no - and I'd wager it's the case for many people.