How about putting the company president back in total control of the company and get the board out.
I care about a stable and a quality product(s) with no 'take over' the desktop, internet, application, infrastructure et al. greed.
The market is changing and MS is trying to maintain the Status Quo and the tighter the grip the quicker it slips away. They believe they can keep charging the same rates and that by pushing everything into the cloud they can maintain current margins. They were the first to 'give' away the browser with the theory that users need to be able to access the internet for it to grow. Now they need to do the same or at least similar with the OS, with the theory that their cloud offerings will be the best.
Just remember they still are on NT only with improved drivers and a different interface.
Mine is NT 6.2 build 9200 (win 8).
Wow, I'm supposed to be impressed that they use databases and SQL to do installs?