The problem for me is money. If I had a job, I might be able to buy a new computer. Yes, I said might. As it is, I am grateful my 8-year-old Gateway is still working, sort of. My CD and DVD R/W discs no longer work and I have recently started having problems with the mouse. Buying a new wireless one helped, for a few weeks. Now I am back to using the old one. I would need help if I switched to a newer operating system. I had problems with Windows 95, too, at the end. Then there was no way to upgrade to a newer OS with my old computer, because it couldn't handle Windows XP and the Windows 98 OS or NT was no longer being marketed by that time. So I will have to continue to take my chances with XP until this computer is no longer functioning. And I hope it will keep working for a long time. I guess it's like a car. Some people can afford to buy a new one every few years; others run theirs into the ground.