Art and technology are very different things. Art is what results from illdefined innate ability/skills and passion, selective pressures, survival, unique environment and cultural pressures and circumstances, etc.
Technology advancements dont really lead to art, not by itself. Todays technology is so advanced, and Art today is so stagnate. Technology has done wonders in making very few people disgustingly rich, while neglecting the stagnation and complete lack of innovation. AI like many of the sad things humans invent is just lipstick on a pig, its like fast food, its just mass produced and very easy to produce, and very popular, but it tastes bland.
Its no Art, it doesn't make gaming good, its really just a last ditch effort for when your frame rate is poor and your in a situation where you cant finish that AAA mainstream game with 30fps.
Games devs nowadays dont need to rely on actual skill, they have these game engines that do all the work for them. The fear of AI upscaling is its going to take away our rights to run games are true native res, all these new techs are stripping away our rights.