I'll wait for the official price.
Take into consideration this may be a high priced pre-order (like iPhone, iPad unofficial pre-orders that mark up the price so you can be 'first in line').
Then again, it could be spot on - and Microsoft's plan could be to compete with similar Apple offerings. Considering that the x86 surface is more or less a touch ultrabook or a high end x86 tablet with built in keyboard.
I'm willing to keep an open mind to this product, same as I've kept an open mind to offers from other manufacturers. I'd suggest other people keep an open mind too (AMD vs nVidia, Apple vs MS, Acer vs ASUS, etc.). I don't think it does anyone any good to write things off before they hit retail and wait for reviews from Anandtech, Tomshardware, X-bit, etc. rather than "Well, I've seen 'X' feature in pictures, and I'm on the internet a lot and can say that it's crap. I know how to google stuff, so I'm pretty much an expert on all things tech."
Though at $1000 it's definitely not what I'm looking for. At $800-$850, I could see buying one and using it for work and light home use.