Hey there,
about a 8 months ago I bought myself some new parts for my PC. (Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX, Asus B350 Plus) in the beginning i had problems with microstuttering in games and some other programs but after a few hours of tying some things out that my friend told me ( im not sure what exactly) the problem got better to a point where it didnt annoy me anymore even though it was still there.
Now i have bought myself a brandnew GTX 1060 as an extention for my "new" rig and the microstuttering is back now even worse than i remember. It even happens sometimes while im just browsing through the internet.
I have tried a few things already that i read on the internet like using the default bios settings, reseting the bios, adjusting CPU voltage, installing newest drivers and updating my bios but i feel like most of the things made it even worse.
I am clueless and I hope somebody is willing to help me. Thanks in advance
My complete rig:
-Asus Prime B350 Plus
-2x 8GB Corsair vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2B3000C15
-Ryzen 5 1600 (stock fan)
-Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 AMP 6GB
-WD Blue 1TB
-Samsung 850EVO 250GB
about a 8 months ago I bought myself some new parts for my PC. (Ryzen 5 1600, 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX, Asus B350 Plus) in the beginning i had problems with microstuttering in games and some other programs but after a few hours of tying some things out that my friend told me ( im not sure what exactly) the problem got better to a point where it didnt annoy me anymore even though it was still there.
Now i have bought myself a brandnew GTX 1060 as an extention for my "new" rig and the microstuttering is back now even worse than i remember. It even happens sometimes while im just browsing through the internet.
I have tried a few things already that i read on the internet like using the default bios settings, reseting the bios, adjusting CPU voltage, installing newest drivers and updating my bios but i feel like most of the things made it even worse.
I am clueless and I hope somebody is willing to help me. Thanks in advance

My complete rig:
-Asus Prime B350 Plus
-2x 8GB Corsair vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2B3000C15
-Ryzen 5 1600 (stock fan)
-Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 AMP 6GB
-WD Blue 1TB
-Samsung 850EVO 250GB