Where did the government get the money to spend on the corporate bailouts? If you go back and study the fundamentals of Keynesian economic theory, in order to lessen the wide swings of recession and progression of the economy, the government is supposed to use spending and taxing policies to spend more during recessions and lower taxes, and during progressions, they are supposed to reduce spending and increase taxes. This way, we do not see the wild vicissitudes that our economy experienced before we started following the Keynesian model are much.
The problem with our government is that once budget is built, it becomes very difficult to cut spending year by year, since the nature of a bureaucracy is to fulfill needs on an ongoing basis, which leads to ever-increasing budgets as the scope of these services creeps into ever larger roles. So we see governemnt growing ever larger, with larger and larger deficits from year to year.
On the other side of the fence, raising taxes in today's political environment is tantamount to suicide for any politician's career. So instead of increasing the tax burden to offset the deficits from lean years, we just keep building up larger deficits until we end up with a huge national debt that is impossible to pay.
The pickle we are in was built over the last 4 decades, and has only been exacerbated over the last 20 years. Under the Clinton administration (and the Republican-controlled congress) we had a chance at actually making headway in fighting this problem. But then GW stepped in, and the Democrat-led congress was more than happy to let him run up the bill. Add to that two wars that were never really on the books, and then follow up with the Obama administration with two rounds of bailouts to American corporate interests, we see that this debt has just been piling up.
Well, our pigeons came home to roost. Now, not only is our economy stagnant, but we have nearly exhausted our means of getting it moving again. Instead, any money that gets into the system ends up floating into a wealth accumulation pool without going back into the economy for reinvestment.
Who is to blame for all this? We could blame either the Republicans or Democrats, but I would say a lot of the blame is on both of them. But the majority of the blame is on you and I, the average American citizen. We continue to elect people into office who only look out for their own interests, whether it be their party's interests, or their own electability for the next term. What we need are a few less politicians and a few more statesmen who are willing to make hard decisions and compromise to get legislation through to fix the problems. Sure, we can have Republicans who fight any new taxes tooth and nail, or we can have Democrats who view any budget cuts as an affront to civilization, but in order to get where we need to go, we need to both cut budgets and increase taxes. But before we can do this, we need to jumpstart the economy yet one more time, and we can't do this by paying the wealthy even more money just to let it sit. We need to send money where it will be spent. Public projects that improve public infrastructure is just one way to stimulate the economy. Tax rebates are another way. Hell, sending out checks to any and every taxpayer (i.e., you sent in a tax return last year, you get a check) will do a lot more to stimulate the economy than sending money to corporate America.