[SOLVED] Minecraft chunks loading so slow on java

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Nov 7, 2021
Minecraft chunks loading slow
Minecraft chunks loading so slow on java edition.İdk why it happens but it doesnt happen in bedrock.İ tried optifine and fast renderer with fast cunk loading but it slighty improved.when the game loads a new chunk my fps goes to 14-5 from 50 40.(i play on a low end device i5 4210u and gt840m)but my friend with a i3 and intregated gpu doesnt have the problem.
Did you check your render distance?

Maybe reinstalling the game will fix the problem. It might be cause you changed something you werent supposed to in the settings.
Did you check your render distance?

Maybe reinstalling the game will fix the problem. It might be cause you changed something you werent supposed to in the settings.
render distance is at 10 but if i lower it doesnt change it at all it still lags while chunk updates but ill try to reinstall
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