Minecraft Graphic Recommendations


Aug 28, 2014
I'm trying to play Minecraft (I was in a nostalgic mood) however I can't seem to get it to run stable.
My FPS says it's consistently running at 60 fps - I have v-sync enabled - however it does not seem to be as smooth as you would expect when playing at 60fps.

My specs are as follows:
CPU: Intel i5-4690k
GPU: MSI GTX 970 Twin Frozr V
RAM: Corsair Vengance 16GB 1600Mhz Low Profile
HDD: 1TB WD Black
SSD: Samsung 840 EVO 250 GB

Does anyone have any reccomendations as to why this may be occurring, and any suggestions as to how to fix it. I have tried numeours different configerations -even turnng everthing down to it's lowest but nthing sems to work.

It also makes no difference what texture pack I use - whether it be the standard texture, a 32x32. 64x64 or a 128x128.

All help is appreciated greatly!