Minecraft low fps shaders


Mar 24, 2016
Hey all so I have this issue that even with different shaders I just do not get past the 42 fps counter...

I tried many things, turn things down, turn of AA... etc... Frame rate is on unlimited, I allocated 4gb of ram to the system, etc... But I still do not get the fps above 60 while others do...
Does anyone know why? I mean even with render distance maxed I get the same fps as on tiny (2) which is just weird...
Other people get way higher numbers with worse systems...
Is it perhaps because of the screen I use? I use actually a tv for now :/

My specs are down below in my sign
What shaders are you using? I'm able to run Sonic's Ultra Shaders (Ultra vers.) @ 40+ fps with everything max. Check your TV's refresh rate.

All shaders (seus, dof/ ultra, choca, sushi, kuda...) And weirdly they all get the same fps and all around 40 with my 980ti... on tiny and max render distance. it just did not change.
my tv has 1080p and 60 hertz... Its just weird


Yeah that would be impossible a 980ti bottlenecked by a 6700k... that would be very weird.
In any case, yes vsync is off but toher wise it would 60fps even so... and not 40
No, a 980Ti can bottleneck an i7-6700k, believe it or not. I've had instances where games told me my GPU was bottlenecking and referred me to a Titan-X Sli. Minecraft can v-sync lower than 60, I can call it at 10 if I wanted to.

Minecraft is a CPU based game, so who knows, and it's using your GPU as well. Should get some more opinions on something like this. Sounds like your GPU is being left behind.

I really find this hard to believe to be honest... :/ But what should I do then?

hm sorry but I am in the control panel but where is it? mine is in dutch btw
Sorry for the vague answer:
Under the tab '3D settings' there should be something labeled 'Manage 3D settings', click it. You should see 'Global Settings' and 'Program Settings', we need 'Program Settings', so click it. Under 'Select a program to customize' click the box and select your Minecraft(.exe). Under that, you should see lots of options.

Look for 'threaded optimization' and set it to auto.


I did this and I also took the liberty of reinstalling absolutly everything back from scratch (forge, optifine, minecraft) and my fps seems to be back. Thanks a lot. Well is 60 fps ish everything completly maxed out normal for my pc?

Some other shaders go up to 80 and 90 now even if I chnage my render distance it drastically increses fps now and that was my biggest issue too so thank you