I had the misfortune to buy a ACEMAGICIAN Mini Gaming PC AMD Ryzen 7 5700U from Amazon on 31st January 2024. It was sitting on my home network for over a week before I really started to tinker with it in anger and earnest. Immediately I started to notice things weren't right. Google Chrome installed and I couldn't remember installing it.....and I hadn't....brower playing up.....upsearching.....machine running slow etc etc so I did a full re-install of the OS !!!WARNING - BUT - WARNING!!! from the supplied OEM and what do you know Goolge Chrome (and the malware, spyware and browser hijacking) virus, trojans, hackadoodle dandies got reinstalled too. I too had to fight the malware to reinstall the OS and anti virus software before I eventually took the machine offline, wiped it clean and returned it to Amazon for a refund. I tried to get some support from Amazon but they were worse than useless. There is no support number for the UK on the companies website and the US branch of the company (when I eventually got through) advised me to contact UK support. Back to square one.
If you do make sure to wipe the OS and do a fresh install from a reputable and trusted source. Also be careful what you take as advice on YouTube.......some people.....CareyHolzman don't know what they are talking about and should apologie to the writer of this article "It's not's just spying on you...." - what a joke!!!!