b450m gaming k4 fatali1ty
RXT 2060
Nuvoton NCT6779D
Hyperx furt 2400mhz ddr4 8gb x2
Apacer AS350 480GB
(I have decent cooling and my temperatures seem to be well within proper operating temaptures)
so about 3 months ago i ordered this cpu and another stick of ram and had it put in. The drive had a backup of the old operating system stuff from the last and it was working fine for a few days but i had to delete it to install games. i turned it off one night and when it was back on it was casuing little stutters sometimes even on desktop and pretty much everygame, REALLY does not like it when i load arma like alot of mods.
Things i have tried
-Bios updated (REquires it for it to run on my board)
-windows reinstalled
-drivers uninstalled and reinstalled including all the amd chipset and gpu drivers
- the large majority of the little powermode/game mode and stupid window 10 "features"
im about to send the cpu back for warranty and rebuild the system with a new mobo and psu. or just bring it into the shop
Let me know if there is any tools i could use to try to solve the problem or any help or advice. I could possibley post a video of it if need be.
b450m gaming k4 fatali1ty
RXT 2060
Nuvoton NCT6779D
Hyperx furt 2400mhz ddr4 8gb x2
Apacer AS350 480GB
(I have decent cooling and my temperatures seem to be well within proper operating temaptures)
so about 3 months ago i ordered this cpu and another stick of ram and had it put in. The drive had a backup of the old operating system stuff from the last and it was working fine for a few days but i had to delete it to install games. i turned it off one night and when it was back on it was casuing little stutters sometimes even on desktop and pretty much everygame, REALLY does not like it when i load arma like alot of mods.
Things i have tried
-Bios updated (REquires it for it to run on my board)
-windows reinstalled
-drivers uninstalled and reinstalled including all the amd chipset and gpu drivers
- the large majority of the little powermode/game mode and stupid window 10 "features"
im about to send the cpu back for warranty and rebuild the system with a new mobo and psu. or just bring it into the shop
Let me know if there is any tools i could use to try to solve the problem or any help or advice. I could possibley post a video of it if need be.