Missing 1TB Local Disk


Feb 13, 2015
Hello Toms Hardware friends.
I missing from "my computer" 1TB drive. can you help me please to return it for use?

Picture from "Disk Management":


now Disk 1 was: Status: Foreign , options there is Convert to Dynamic Disk or GPT Disk, i don't know what they meaning.

in the black line: 931.51GB unallocated there is option to: New Simple Volume...

How can i fix it and be able to enter my missing Local Disk ?

between my Disks is in good healthy by the picture?

Thank you very much for help.
ask me if need anything for find a fix please.

Great rest of the week.

This is correct if he had never used it. He said how can he return it to you. Meaning he was using it and it lost the partition information. If he follows your advice he will lose all his data on that disk.
There is Options in PC to check connection of the HDD ?
Anything i can do to make it active again?
used it for games, not care install them again but yeah had some other stuff in it..

with partition recovery tool can only recovery 500mb for now, if i do "New Simple Volume" so lost all Data but get HDD working ?

and how HDD gone in the storage location and become "unallocated" ?

many thanks for help mates!

It happens. It is a form of a disk crash. It is one of many reasons backups are not optional.

Partition recovery tools can recover larger than 500gb. Is that the limit of the free one?


Yes, you right. is cover perfect just 500mb of 70gb (but more games gb was there) nothing i know is nessecry me or family.
if i go for "New Volume" option, is may.. and can crash again ? :c never had a HDD crash before now.

That Sata III 1 TB HDD came with the same with as the SSD .
(maybe good point, SSD crashed too, nvm windows format for New from store new SSD to that pc)
ah those storage stuff, i still wait if can help me to understand \ forward instructions.

Thanks for answer for forward task.

If you create a new volume, yes it can crash again.

It is like a car.
If you get a flat tire. You can fix the flat. If the tire was flat because some one played with the nozzle and let the air out, then fixing it will make it like new. If the tire was flat because there was a flaw in the tire, it will still have this flaw and will go flat again (and maybe just explode and fail completely).