Question razor cynosa help

Do other keyboards work?

Does the Razor keyboard work on other computers?

Do you have the User Guide/Manual for the Razor?

Have you manually downloaded, installed, and reconfigured the keyboard drivers directly from the manufacturer's website?

(Do not use any third party tools or installers.)
i tried it on my laptop in same thing it was working a few months ago perfectly in other keyboards work on the same usb port I have downloaded the new Razer Synapse 4 I tried to do a driver update but all it says is connect the device to your pc which it is All lights work properly All other keys work beside the top roll I even tried a hard reset esc caps and space bar When I go to device manager it shows the razor keyboard is connected but if I can't get it to work ill just buy a new keyboard Not quite sure what you mean about the 4rd party software as I only downloaded the Razer Synapse 4 in tried the updater in it won't work