missing sleep mode in start menu, windows 10


Aug 1, 2016
Hello Sir,
I'm just install windows 10 at acer aspire 5670.
In start menu missing sleep mode.
When I close the lid, laptop shutdown because sleep mode missing.
Would you so kind to help me.

Best regards,

Hello Sir,
I have no any power saving option in bios.
Should be problem with windows 10 config.
In start button I was seen only restart and shutdown. I was founded solution how to include hibernation but can't find how to include sleep mode too.

Best regadrs,

Hello Sir,
Thank you to answer me.
I have had windows 7 before installed windows 10.
When I closed the lid in win7, shutdown work normally. Motherboard support sleep mode, suppose in that case.
I have no idea how to solve that problem.

Best regards,

Look for power setting inside windows 10 see if yang can find it there.
Here's How:

1. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Power Options icon.

2. Click/tap on the Choose what the power buttons do link on the left side. (see screenshot below)

Click image for larger version.

Name: Power_,menu_Hibernate-1.jpg
Views: 507
Size: 79.1 KB
ID: 22583

3. Click/tap on the Change settings that are currently unavailable link at the top. (see screenshot below)

Click image for larger version.

Name: Power_,menu_Hibernate-2.jpg
Views: 767
Size: 106.7 KB
ID: 22584

4. If prompted by UAC, click/tap on Yes.

5. Do step 6 (on) or step 7 (off) below for what you would like to do.

6. To Add Sleep to Power menu

A) Check the Sleep box under Shutdown settings, and click/tap on Save changes. (see screenshot at bottom)

NOTE: This is the default setting.

7. To Remove Sleep from Power menu

A) Uncheck the Sleep box under Shutdown settings, and click/tap on Save changes. (see screenshot below)

Click image for larger version.

Name: Power_,menu_Hibernate-3.png
Views: 485
Size: 61.6 KB
ID: 22585
Yeah and saw your imagessay earlier say s2 s3 states not available either got to enable it in power options in the control panel or enable energy saving states in bios under cpu configuration. Like is said earlier . There have been some systems that completely won't have sleep or hibernate case of the way they were built and don't work in Windows 10. But would try the stuff further down the link I gave ya and look for a bios update on pc manufacture Web site and double check your bios for s1 s2 s3 s6 ect power states are enabled or power saving features for cpu ect in bios.