Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)
I have a Mitsumi FA404A floppy + USB 2.0 card reader, my MB Asus P5AD2E
Premium, Win XP Pro SP2, when I plug the Mitsumi USB reader to the MB it
takes forever to boot and still will not work, I know the reader works with
my other computer, AOpen with Win98SE, I know the USB connection on the
Asus works, I tried the USB pin connection with other USB devices, I have
all the latest updates and drivers. Anybody have any ideas? Could old
settings or corrupt settings be in the registery? This is a complete new
system, I even wiped the HD, formated and reinstalled Win XP Pro, still no
luck. I have one email from someone who has the same setup and it works
for him.
I know I did install the hardware before the software once, but I
uninstalled the software and the HW and reversed the order of installation.
still no luck. This USB reader is not supposed to need drivers anyway, the
software is only to give icons to the drives in "My Computer" so I can't see
why it is so difficult to install. Neither Mitsumi nor Asus have an answer.
I have a Mitsumi FA404A floppy + USB 2.0 card reader, my MB Asus P5AD2E
Premium, Win XP Pro SP2, when I plug the Mitsumi USB reader to the MB it
takes forever to boot and still will not work, I know the reader works with
my other computer, AOpen with Win98SE, I know the USB connection on the
Asus works, I tried the USB pin connection with other USB devices, I have
all the latest updates and drivers. Anybody have any ideas? Could old
settings or corrupt settings be in the registery? This is a complete new
system, I even wiped the HD, formated and reinstalled Win XP Pro, still no
luck. I have one email from someone who has the same setup and it works
for him.
I know I did install the hardware before the software once, but I
uninstalled the software and the HW and reversed the order of installation.
still no luck. This USB reader is not supposed to need drivers anyway, the
software is only to give icons to the drives in "My Computer" so I can't see
why it is so difficult to install. Neither Mitsumi nor Asus have an answer.