Hello Guys
My specs are:
CPU Ryzne 7 3700x
MOBO TUF B450-Plus Gaming
RAM 2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 8gb
2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 16gb
The issue:
- my OCD got triggered by this
Basically I got 32 more GB of ram, same model, same timing, and they actually stable at XMP 2.0 (D.O.C.O for AMD) and have no visible issues with them.
I wanted to have all 4 because, even if RGB is plain useless, I quite like the lightshow and dont really want leave the 8gb stick to catch dust.
My CPU and mobo does not support Quad Channel, this is basically Dual Channel
One issues that I noticed is that none of my rams work at 3200 if plugged in A1 and B1, suposevly because the MOBO uses this for single channel, but they do work if I drop them to 2400.
Will this be an issues when pluging in 4 sticks, or the A1 B1 act as extenders, as they are suposed to?
Since I have 4 sticks, should A2 and B2 be popualted by the 16 or 8 gb sticks, or it does not matter, as long thei are paired on A and B.
Or https://www.userbenchmark.com/ is just messing with me and I should stop using it as a point of reffearance?
My specs are:
CPU Ryzne 7 3700x
MOBO TUF B450-Plus Gaming
RAM 2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 8gb
2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 16gb
The issue:
- my OCD got triggered by this

Basically I got 32 more GB of ram, same model, same timing, and they actually stable at XMP 2.0 (D.O.C.O for AMD) and have no visible issues with them.
I wanted to have all 4 because, even if RGB is plain useless, I quite like the lightshow and dont really want leave the 8gb stick to catch dust.
My CPU and mobo does not support Quad Channel, this is basically Dual Channel
One issues that I noticed is that none of my rams work at 3200 if plugged in A1 and B1, suposevly because the MOBO uses this for single channel, but they do work if I drop them to 2400.
Will this be an issues when pluging in 4 sticks, or the A1 B1 act as extenders, as they are suposed to?
Since I have 4 sticks, should A2 and B2 be popualted by the 16 or 8 gb sticks, or it does not matter, as long thei are paired on A and B.
Or https://www.userbenchmark.com/ is just messing with me and I should stop using it as a point of reffearance?


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