Question Mixing rams of different capacity.


Sep 27, 2020
Hello Guys

My specs are:

CPU Ryzne 7 3700x
MOBO TUF B450-Plus Gaming
RAM 2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 8gb
2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 16gb

The issue:
- my OCD got triggered by this

Basically I got 32 more GB of ram, same model, same timing, and they actually stable at XMP 2.0 (D.O.C.O for AMD) and have no visible issues with them.
I wanted to have all 4 because, even if RGB is plain useless, I quite like the lightshow and dont really want leave the 8gb stick to catch dust.

My CPU and mobo does not support Quad Channel, this is basically Dual Channel

One issues that I noticed is that none of my rams work at 3200 if plugged in A1 and B1, suposevly because the MOBO uses this for single channel, but they do work if I drop them to 2400.
Will this be an issues when pluging in 4 sticks, or the A1 B1 act as extenders, as they are suposed to?

Since I have 4 sticks, should A2 and B2 be popualted by the 16 or 8 gb sticks, or it does not matter, as long thei are paired on A and B.

Or is just messing with me and I should stop using it as a point of reffearance?







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You are doing well already, there was no guarantee the system would even boot when mixing 2 kits. It does not matter that they are the same make and model, they are not from a matched kit. From here on it is trial and error for what is stable.

You need to ensure you have a 16gb + 8gb in each channel. I would try the 2x16gb in slots A2 & B2 and the 2x8gb in A1 & B1. Then try DOCP 3200mhz, you might get lucky. If that doesn’t work then try 2666mhz, if it works you can try higher. Increasing the DRAM voltage might help stability. If all 4 sticks are installed it should work in dual channel but in CPU-Z go to the memory tab and see what is says under channels#.

You have 2 things working against you. Running 4 sticks will often have a lower maximum stable frequency. Mixing kits is never guaranteed to work, if it does it may be at a lower speed.
Hello Guys

My specs are:

CPU Ryzne 7 3700x
MOBO TUF B450-Plus Gaming
RAM 2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 8gb
2x TeamGroup TUF 3200 MHZ 16gb

The issue:
- my OCD got triggered by this

Basically I got 32 more GB of ram, same model, same timing, and they actually stable at XMP 2.0 (D.O.C.O for AMD) and have no visible issues with them.
I wanted to have all 4 because, even if RGB is plain useless, I quite like the lightshow and dont really want leave the 8gb stick to catch dust.

My CPU and mobo does not support Quad Channel, this is basically Dual Channel

One issues that I noticed is that none of my rams work at 3200 if plugged in A1 and B1, suposevly because the MOBO uses this for single channel, but they do work if I drop them to 2400.
Will this be an issues when pluging in 4 sticks, or the A1 B1 act as extenders, as they are suposed to?

Since I have 4 sticks, should A2 and B2 be popualted by the 16 or 8 gb sticks, or it does not matter, as long thei are paired on A and B.

Or is just messing with me and I should stop using it as a point of reffearance?





I’m not a computer expert but I do have experience and I don’t recommend mixing ram even with a small difference. I did this with teamforce delta one time and it crashed my ram and it didn’t work anymore and I had to send it back for repair. It’s best you sell the lower gb ram and save up for the exact same size or upgrade your current ones.
You are doing well already, there was no guarantee the system would even boot when mixing 2 kits. It does not matter that they are the same make and model, they are not from a matched kit. From here on it is trial and error for what is stable.

You need to ensure you have a 16gb + 8gb in each channel. I would try the 2x16gb in slots A2 & B2 and the 2x8gb in A1 & B1. Then try DOCP 3200mhz, you might get lucky. If that doesn’t work then try 2666mhz, if it works you can try higher. Increasing the DRAM voltage might help stability. If all 4 sticks are installed it should work in dual channel but in CPU-Z go to the memory tab and see what is says under channels#.

You have 2 things working against you. Running 4 sticks will often have a lower maximum stable frequency. Mixing kits is never guaranteed to work, if it does it may be at a lower speed.

They're in DOCP 3200 from day one, and have been for the past two weeks ish.
I've purchased the 16 sticks as an upgrade, and guess they kissed and play nice toghether.\

Only today I just did a user benchmark out of curiosity and it says my performance is off and got my OCD triggered.

I've tried AIDA64 and I get the same speeds on 2x16 compared to 2x16+2x8 (updated the main post).
I can only assume that whatever comparison is being made is not accurate to the reality of things.

Currently I have them in A2 B2 = 16gb and A1 B1 = 8 GB
I've tried them with 8GB in A2B2 but its the same, same as in no real differance.

One odd thing to add is that CPU-Z sees the slots like this:
  • Slot 1 = A1
  • Slot 2 = A2
  • Slot 3 = B1
  • Slot 4 = B2

If I only add 2x16, it will correctly see them as Slot 2 and Slot 4 = 16
But if I also add the 8gb sticks, it will see Slot 1 and 2 = 8 and 3 and 4 = 16

I beleive that CPU-z gets confused when adding the 2nd sticks, as it does not report them correctly(See screenshots from first post)
The slots are visibly of different color on the naked ram, A1B1 being black and A2B2 being gray.
Even the ram have differet LEDs, but thats only a visual differance and does not affect anything else.