Question Mllse rx580 sp2048 8gb Black screening…


Nov 20, 2022
Could it be possible that the standard HP Elitedesk 500w just doesn’t have the oomph to run the Mllse rx580 sp2048 8gb, the pc just closes down when it hits a stressful gpu bit in a game. Bought a new 650 psu then someone suggested flashing the gpu, surely a full system shut down would point more to the psu, which may be a few years old.? 🤔
HP have a number of EliteDesk prebuilt under the portfolio, which one are we talking about here? TO add, what is the part number/model number for your PSU? Are we looking at a unit that came from the factory(as in' it's been used)?

Bought a new 650 psu
What is the make and model of your PSU?

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