mobo problems..


Mar 29, 2007
Hi guys im new here..well I have an asus crosshair motherboard and i got all my parts in today and i decided to go ahead and put it together..Everything is new! My problem is that my mobo wont pass post, the keybord doesnt light up and my mouse wont work and on top of that my screen remains blank..The mobo turns on and runs, but it wont do the "beep" and go to bios...Any suggetions..??

Asus Crosshair
SLI 590 chip set
1gb 800mhz ram
AMD anthlon 64 x2 4800
Nvidia 7950GX2 1gb
700W FX-Epsilon SLI power supply
74gb WD Raptor HD 10,000rpm SATA

What do you mean by "it turns on and runs"? What comes on? Fans, LEDs, ect. Try it without the HDD, and clearing the CMOS might help...

Whats up with the 7950GX2? You bought that new? Why not an 8800gts or 8800gtx?
Pull out everything, except the CPU.

Be sure there is a PC speaker hooked up. Test to see if you get any bios beeps.

If there's no beep:

There's no speaker hooked up
Possible MB or CPU problem
Possible MB bios doesn't have support for the 4800+

Also try running the MB out the PC case, on cardboard box, to rule out any short happening to the MB.
yea, the fans and LED's all turn on..I can hear the harddrive going too..I got the card cheap so i said what the hell why not..Thought i give it a shot!

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