Modern Warfare 2 PC: No Dedicated Servers

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Jul 30, 2009
Thank you so MUCH IW.

No only will I be saving $60 because I'm not buying this abortion I'm saving several hundred dollars because now there is NO REASON for me to buy a new computer right now. Classic games like all those free HL2 mods and Battlefield 2 with the Project reality mod run just fine on my socket 939 and it looks like I'll be sticking with the classics for quite a while.



Jun 30, 2008
What!? What moron or morons allowed for that? In five years or so if you want to game you will have no choice but get a console. Got noting against consoles just some games are just better on a PC.


Oct 27, 2008
I'm hoping they'll also take out text chatting, corner-peeking (lean), and only have one fixed monitor resolution with crappy AA settings and crappy visual effects, and then I can have the thrill of true XBox-360 gaming experience!

Thank you IW for helping us to see the joy of console gaming!



Apr 16, 2008
I am older and married, with kids, house.. full time job, the whole shebang.. So, my online gaming time is very limited. I buy very few games and the games I do buy are FPS type.

I was looking forward to this game when I first seen the trailers. This was going to be my game for the year.. something I can have fun playing, then when it gets stale, download the community maps and such to revive it.

I enjoy playing on servers that have good rules and well mannered people. With the dedicated servers, I can find those places and come back to them over and over again. This further enhances my enjoyment of the game.

These are things I look for when shopping for a game, without them I find I am hard pressed to make a purchase.

Add me to the list of people who wont buy this title without dedicated server support.


I say we all buy barbie horse adventures instead of this piece of garbage. At least Barbie doesn't think we're all pirates.


Aug 24, 2009
I find myself playing BF2 now more anyways. I enjoy the vehicles and team based action. Plus you can play with 64 other people. If there was ever a need for BF3, now would be the time. EA/DICE would make a killing if they got a good game engine and supported dedicated servers!


Lets be honist. This is what the conversatioin looked like...

Programmer: The PC version isn't ready. we need a few more weeks.
IW: Why?
Programmer: The dedicated server portion isn't quite ready.
IW: Ditch it then!
Programmer: Why? PC gamers will be mad!
IW: We are NOT going to loose millions on launch day because the PC version isn't ready!


And I was going to buy this game? Not if it doesn't support dedicated servers, I won't! I was just about to pre-order when I saw this thread. That saves me $50 and keeps it out of the pockets of people who want to turn PC's into stupid game consoles.


May 4, 2007
Haha wow, really? Absolutely terrible, I hope whoever made this decision has the sense to bow out of the industry. I was waiting excitedly for this release but fuck that, no way in hell. I'd just as soon buy and start playing MoH:AA again.


This just in, CoD6 will NOT have the option to map mouse button 4 and 5. Just like F.E.A.R. 2 and DeadSpace! Welcome to console port hell.


May 11, 2008
[citation][nom]rippleyhakd[/nom]OK, Thanks.. No need for purchase from me then.. And oh man, i planned on a ati 5870 and 3 monitors.. BUG THAT..[/citation]

Dude, get Fallout 3 for your PC, if you can get past the stupid Games for Windows live crap, the game itself rocks.


May 20, 2009
to be honest if that be the case and there is no reason to play the online version then i will just download a pirated version and not get online. I would gladly buy it if they had good online play.


Nov 12, 2008
Talk about spitting in the community's face. (comment from jackal on "Privately owned servers ensure that, when IW's gets yanked offline for maintenance or goes down because they can't handle the player load they've been given, people can still play the game online. This is why some of the most touted exclusives for the Xbox 360 and PS3 were unplayable online for days (or even weeks) after they were launched. IW and Activision both know this, so their decision to remove a feature just to "streamline" online connectivity in a market that had online multiplayer years before any console did (and did just fine) is simply an anti-consumer act that is nigh retarded. Completely removing mod support from a PC title is, also, an act of unfathomable stupidity. PC games are often bought because they provide the consumer with an opportunity to create their own content in an environment where they don't have the money or technical expertise to do otherwise. Counter Strike started off as a Half-life mod; it is still one the most played games online for any platform despite having been released a decade ago. Team Fortess? It's Quake mod that's had infinity longer legs (and arguable more success) than the very game it was spawned from. The PC port of RE4 looked worse than the PS2 version did when it was released; because of the community, updates were made to the game that not only allow it to easily compete with most current gen titles, but fixed the well documented control issues and even provided others (I'm sure you can now use a Wiimote for the PC version). We could delve into the countless weapons, characters, custom maps, custom levels, and total conversions that the modding community have made. These are all things the console ecosystem often does not provide (sometimes for copyright issues, sometimes to wring money out of wallets in order to sell you things the community could've created in a day) and it's always been a major factor in purchasing a game for one platform over another. Which, I'm sure, is why they killed MW2's modding community before it had a chance to begin; they now have the opportunity to sell us 3 maps at the low price of $10 and there's no way for us to compete with them. With IW pulling the feature from one of the year's most advertised and anticipated games in order to hock **** to us we would've made on our own, they risk giving other developer a precedent to do the same for future titles. ::claps:: Way to piss on the fans that made you a top developer, Infinity Ward. To do all of that while charging us $60 for a game that offers substantially less than its $50 predecessor did while forcing us to use Steam so our games can't be resold after they're played and then to completely hack out any feature that would've made the game desirable to a PC gamer in the first g*ddamn place...well...there's just no point in playing or owning the PC version even if it does look and perform better. To all Infinity Ward and Activision employees (which I'm sure is none) who read this site, I have the following kind words for your consideration. Go **** yourselves, your games, and I hope to see all of your future endeavors flop horrifically. We made you (Infinity Ward) what you are today and you ******** can't even make a clean stab to our backs as a token of appreciation; no, you've got to twist the blade slightly so we actually feel the pain. Your FPS is one of many available to a platform that spawned and still dominates the genre; no matter how anticipated, no matter how advertised, you're just one fish in a sea of many. I hope Activision runs you and your franchise into the ground just like they have to every one of their pet developers; at this point in time, you don't deserve anything else."


Mar 19, 2009
Well, it looks like I wont have to upgrade my GPUs anymore. CoD4 runs just fine.

Good work IW you just saved me $1100.00


Mar 19, 2009
[citation][nom]deltatux[/nom]actually, CoD4 was one of the highest pirated game since its release... so def. Activision is worried.I don't like this change but not enough to justify a boycott so I'm keeping my order.Actually, I spoke to my friend who works at my local EBGames and she told me that out of all the preorders, the PS3 version had the most preorders. Which means that the PC isn't the leading platform (but this is only basing data from only one store).deltatux[/citation]

EBgames still sells PC games!?! You must be talking about the row near floor covered in dust.



Apr 1, 2009
Infinity Ward responds to Modern Warfare 2 dedicated server petition
We're going on three days now since the event that some computer gaming enthusiasts are referring to as "Black Saturday," in which it was revealed that the PC version of Modern Warfare 2 wouldn't allow online multiplayer on dedicated servers. These same enthusiasts penned an online petition that has since garnered over 100,000 signatures -- but unfortunately for this rapidly expanding group, comments recently made by Infinity Ward's Jason West and Vince Zampella in a Game Informer interview make it sound like the developer's position won't be reversing any time soon.

"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners," West explained. The duo had received countless complaints from PC Modern Warfare players who were unable to find a match online that wasn't riddled with cheaters, "insular" clans and enormous skill disparities -- problems they hope IWNet will eliminate. When asked why both matchmaking and dedicated servers couldn't both exist, West explained that this practice would "bifurcate the community."

The implementation of IWNet will likely make the game more accessible to casual PC gamers -- however, we worry that Infinity Ward might be ignoring the timeless adage of "make new friends, keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." What do you think, dear readers? Is this a smart move or a brilliant mistake on Infinity Ward's part?

taken from

Bifurcate? Seriously? Is that the best you got? How about the bifurcation you are causing right now between those that are no longer buying your product and those that still are?

"We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners..."

Yes because only modders and tuners play on dedicated servers, not "players". What a tool. I guess there must be 110,000+ modders signing that petition.

I really hope all of you whom are posting that you will not be buying MW2 and petitioning them stick to your guns on this. I want to hit them where it hurts. $6.6 million in lost sales should hopefully get their attention


May 8, 2009
Tbh like the masses, I will simply play this game for the 3 hours of SP mode, and chuck it in "old games archive". This does not mean I will be buying it. I had planned to upgrade to 5850 and from Dual to Quad core, but now dont see any reason to. Maybe I will DL the game instead, just to piss em off, or most likely, as usual, wait till someone who bought it has finished SP mode.



Aug 24, 2009
Like others, I planned to buy this for the PC and will not. But I agree with esquire, not all of the 100,000+ people who signed that are modders.

In fact, most of them are just like me. A PC player that enjoys playing with others and I have a few favorite servers I use. Thats it...I pay for what I play. So idk, this really sucks, but at the same time, we still have COD4 and the modders can make maps just like COD4:MW2
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