Modifying home network line important question


Dec 30, 2012
Hello i have heard that attatching a capicitor on the end of your isp line ( the end of the line is the phone line lead comming in to your home from the ISP.), will make your bandwith or data rate faster and give you more bandwith. Im not sure if this turns out to be true.

I have had a thought about it myself and i have worked it out in my head my self.

I know that if data comes in packets from the ISP where most of the data usage is recorded, how can it be once the data reaches my home, the capicitor can be there to increase the speed or bandwith usage? People say the capicitor enhances the data usage i get per month to a few more GB's and the rate is faster. I have never tried it. Has anyone done it or can someone do it?

Capicitors store energy, packets are known as electrons in a binary form. So how can the capicitor hack the isp line to my home? I dont beleave thAt a friend of myn got this to work. It seems impossible but i think it actually works. Do you think it will boost your network speed?

Don't go randomly installing extra junk on your cable line, especially if you are not an electrical cable technician.

Unfortunately, I don't think you have a good understanding of what a capacitor would do, what packets are, or how your internet connection works.

Because of this, you should only be considering if you are getting service bandwidth that you expect, leave it alone. If you think your internet connection is slow, call your provider and have them test the modem. They will determine if sending a tech out is appropriate.

If you are trying to figure out a way to steal more bandwidth, this wont work, and we can't help you in "hacking" a way to faster internet. You have to pay for it.
in the us with cable the firmware that sent by the isp to the modem that sets the speed. any of the newer modems can run at max speed but when you place the modem into serive the isp send a control file. if you log into your cablke modem you see that it using isp firmware. on dial up and dsl. it could be used to keep out line noise and spikes.
Don't go randomly installing extra junk on your cable line, especially if you are not an electrical cable technician.

Unfortunately, I don't think you have a good understanding of what a capacitor would do, what packets are, or how your internet connection works.

Because of this, you should only be considering if you are getting service bandwidth that you expect, leave it alone. If you think your internet connection is slow, call your provider and have them test the modem. They will determine if sending a tech out is appropriate.

If you are trying to figure out a way to steal more bandwidth, this wont work, and we can't help you in "hacking" a way to faster internet. You have to pay for it.

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