Monitor effects performance?


Aug 30, 2015
I just bought a GTX 970 paired with an i5 4690k and well, i'm getting a bit of lag and stuttering in games. Currently I have an ASUS VS208N-P monitor, which I will link. I'm thinking it might be causing some lag and stuttering because it just simply can't keep up with my card. I am thinking about getting the Acer GN246HL monitor, which I will link as well. Can anyone give me some details about monitors performance wise, thank you.

There is one things that makes a monitor affect performance, resolution. Resolution is the amount of pixels your monitor has, like 1920x1080. putting it roughly, with a higher resolution your GPU have to work more because it has more pixels to handle.

Your current monitor has a 1600x900 resolution, which is pretty low. A GTX970 should be able to run 99% of games at 60fps on ultra settings on that resolution. The monitor you're planning to get has a higher resolution than your current one (1920x1080), which will require more GPU power, but a GTX970 is still good enough for it.

On which games are you experiencing lag and stuttering ? Honestly i don't think it has anything to do about your monitor or how strong your GPU is. If i had to...
There is one things that makes a monitor affect performance, resolution. Resolution is the amount of pixels your monitor has, like 1920x1080. putting it roughly, with a higher resolution your GPU have to work more because it has more pixels to handle.

Your current monitor has a 1600x900 resolution, which is pretty low. A GTX970 should be able to run 99% of games at 60fps on ultra settings on that resolution. The monitor you're planning to get has a higher resolution than your current one (1920x1080), which will require more GPU power, but a GTX970 is still good enough for it.

On which games are you experiencing lag and stuttering ? Honestly i don't think it has anything to do about your monitor or how strong your GPU is. If i had to guess i'd say either overheating or you have one or more programs running in the background eating resources. A scheduled defragmentation or a virus scan of your whole hard drive will often cause lack of performance if you play a game at the same time. Programs that update themselves, or malware, can cause that as well. When you get your lag and stuttering, is it constant, or it just happens from time to time ?
