So after I leave the computer for 20 minutes the display turns off. When I come back and try to wake the monitor, the screen will remain black. The graphics card is lit up and the so are all the fans in the computer. The standby light is flickering on the monitor. This really bothers me so if you could please help me with this problem. I have set the devices to be able to wake the computer. I can't seem to find any solution to this problem. Please help:
Thanks in advance
So after I leave the computer for 20 minutes the display turns off. When I come back and try to wake the monitor, the screen will remain black. The graphics card is lit up and the so are all the fans in the computer. The standby light is flickering on the monitor. This really bothers me so if you could please help me with this problem. I have set the devices to be able to wake the computer. I can't seem to find any solution to this problem. Please help:
Thanks in advance