Monitor resolution changing Draw Distance in games?


Sep 30, 2015
Hello everyone,

I have a question/confirmation I need dealt with. I have an issue with certain games such as GTA 5, where even though my settings are maxed, things in the distance don't look that good.

I know it's not my GPU or CPU, because I have replaced them, plus I have seen on YouTube people using my specs with no issues.

I think it's my monitor resolution, because it's a 16:10 aspect ratio and it's 1680x1050 instead of the recommended 1920x1080, would this be the issue? I also have certain AA issues in game, but I can fix that within the NVIDIA control panel.

Here are my PC Specs:
-AMD Phenom ii X4 965 BE
-GTX 770 2gb
-8gb RAM
-1TB Harddrive

I also have noticed my Harddisk will spike to 100 quite often during gameplay, but I have managed to prevent this by using Cacheboost, which basically cleans up the ram every few seconds so that it doesn't overload.

Anything helps.

I have noticed that no matter what res I put it to I have this issue, even when I actually change my monitor resolution, it doesn't solve anything, I know this, because I use to make YouTube videos and no matter what I did, I always had black borders.