Question Monitor turns on but doesn’t display logo or menu

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Aug 24, 2020
Hello, I’m having an issue with my Sceptre monitor that I’ve had for a couple years now. A few days ago I started having this issue where the monitor will turn on but it’ll stay on a black screen. The Sceptre logo doesn’t appear, neither does the menu. I’ve tried switching HDMI cables , power adapters, along with the computer that it’s plugged into. I contacted support and they weren’t much help just telling me my warranty is expired. I started googling the issue and most of the solutions seem to be the same, “make sure everything’s connected, reset the monitor, etc”. I’ve opened the monitor to take a peek inside and nothing is glaringly wrong. Most of the components inside seem to be easily replaceable so now I’m just wondering what it could be. Does anyone have an idea as to what is failing here?
Jun 16, 2024
Any idea on what it might've been? Had mine for a few years, broke down about a year ago and thought I'd take another look at it. No luck, I'm going to guess something got fried inside while replugging it in.
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