I recently got a new monitor ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824116656 ) Here is a list of the resolutions and refreshrates that the monitor supports i got right out of the manual: http://i.gyazo.com/c582191e918c3351ae78499823a230a5.png
I am trying to get 1400x1050 at 75 hz but it seems to only be allowing me to be at 60 hz.
The highest resolution I got to work at 75hz is 1280x1024
I am using a DVI cable and my graphics card is a 6950.
If you need any more information just say so and any help is appreciated.
I am trying to get 1400x1050 at 75 hz but it seems to only be allowing me to be at 60 hz.
The highest resolution I got to work at 75hz is 1280x1024
I am using a DVI cable and my graphics card is a 6950.
If you need any more information just say so and any help is appreciated.