Monoprice G-Pro 30-Inch 120Hz IPS Gaming Monitor Review

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Generally a Monoprice fan, but the frame-skipping makes this monitor pretty unappealing for its intended market. Hopefully they can fix it with a firmware update.
I think this FINALLY is a step in the RIGHT direction. Sadly you cannot buy this in Europe.

I was long ago looking for a 2560x1600 screen, and I got a Dell second-hand, because for whatever reason manufacturers ignore the customers, and they
stick to 1080p. No offense to anybody who plays at 1080p, but you need to understand, that most people do productivity and game when they have too much free time, and they want to immerse into the game on a large screen.
Personally I still love older games (Wolfenstein, FC1, Half-Life etc.) more than newer releases, and those run on these resolutions at any half-decent video card.

Furthermore, nowadays even a 500Euro *MOBILE PHONE* can do above 1080p resolution on a tiny 6" screen, and for that money they give you 32-64GB of flash, 1GB of RAM and a quad-core CPU in a tiny box.
Thus, I do not buy into this 1080p-1440p crap screen manufacturers are trying to shovel down at our throats for 1000Euros.
At this point, I think an IPS gaming monitor is like SATAe... A technology that can be skipped because something better exists. Give me an OLED gaming monitor. LG makes a 55" 1080p OLED TV for $2000... why not a 24"-ish OLED monitor for under $1000? You'd have a ginormous color gamut, infinite contrast, true black, and response times <1ms. It's time for somebody to come out with an OLED monitor that doesn't cost $5500! (Sony PVMA250)
I'm more of the type of consumer that likes products to work as advertised out of the box - i.e. 120hz IPS 1080p out of the box. I don't want to have to "overclock" it to its advertized settings, and then have it not work on the advertised ports.

Any overclocking I do personally shouldn't be advertised on the box.
Cool Specs, and I really dig the larger panel size

...that said, after using G-Sync for 6 months now I'm scratching my head as to why any manufacturer would make a gaming panel without G-Sync or Free Sync in it.

Refresh induced stuttering and frame tearing shouldn't be acceptable in 2015
Been gaming on a HP 30 inch IPS now for 5 years at 60hz. Its been worth every penny for $1200. I would steer clear of this off brand monitor regardless of 120 hz.
The frame skipping CANNOT be fixed via a firmware update so don't be fooled by Monoprice's flat out lie! The frame skipping is due to the PCB connections used and the TCON - those issues are hardwired, silicon issues and there is no way a FW update can change that fact. This monitor is a FRAUD and should not be discussed as a 120hz monitor since it is entirely misleading to the average consumer thinking they found a holy grail 16:10 IPS panel that they could game on. The frameskipping issue should have been the LEAD on this story and the monitor basically tested as an impostor 120Hz IPS panel.

Funny how people got their panties in a wad over the Nvidia 970 4gb 3.5gb issue claiming Nvidia are frauds (and leading to one lawsuit for false advertising I believe) and no one seems to make the same claims against MP here when the monitor CLEARLY is not a 120hz panel. MP should be forced to remove this from production or change its advertising as it is completely false.
For my personal opinion, so far the only true monitor I think that can compete in the gaming side of things that is a IPS with over 120 HZ is the XB270HU (albeit they seem to have some QA on some of the monitors....), at least they're making a step in the right direction.. Along with that, I know that ASUS announced some time ago that they were going to essentially remake their ASUS ROG SWIFT monitor except with IPS and 120 HZ. It's good to see though that more and more IPS monitors are coming out having 1440p+ 120/144Hz be the standard, also a plus if they have G-SYNC/FreeSync.
I received an Acer Pred monitor and returned it. Hated the polarizer used and it looked muddy to me. I loved the features, but as an AHVA panel with the AG coating it just didn't match my other IPS screens at all - it felt I don't know kind of like a TN panel, which is a weird thing to say I know. I want only a glossy IPS - no coatings. Seems silly to slap a coating on an IPS screen since it does affect color and brightness when you view it next to a glossy panel. My Pred had a horrible white spot in the bottom corner, which was another reason for the return.
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