More Nvidia Pascal Titan X Details Emerge

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Boooooooo. The Titan cards have always been the super high end gamers card. This one seems series though seems like they are shitting on the gamers. I'm iffy we will even see a 1080ti. When will nvidia let partner companies make their own? If i could have a better cooler i would have purchased a titan in the past. Ugh nvidia you are really pissing me off. This thing is also using gddr5x (big deal) and only 12 gb's of it? This means if we even get a 1080ti it will most likely also have 8gb like the 1080 so there wont be much seperation there. I guess im stuck waiting for next gen cards before i upgrade. Perhaps my 780ti classifieds will hold me over until then.
Naming the card the Titan X, again, is going to cause some confusion. Unless there's some other way to differentiate between the previous version people who are out there shopping for one need to pay close attention. I think if you're going to drop over $1k on a GPU you should be doing your research, but you never know. Also, 12GB? If they're aiming this at professionals and not gamers then AMD has the upper hand with their new Radeon Pro. As to the cooler comment, nVidia has only sold their Titan's with the reference design. Unless you want to get a water block you're pretty much out of luck for an aftermarket cooler design.
what the hell first it is only selling its own versions and now it doesnt support 4 way SLI ???? i guess ill keep my 4 maxwell Titans X's for now
Well its easy to be wrong with all this but it looks like its priming the market for the TI's. I know many are concerned they may not be coming but this really resembles the release schedule of the 900x's. When the 980ti came out it actually had some of the next tech that the then current titan's didn't.

It also follows the logic of what many gamers found out. You could SLI two TI's for a better price/performance than Titans. Nvidia got a lot of grief from Titan owners over that. This totally explains why they are trying to separate it from the crowd.

Similar things have happened with the Quadro series over the years in between different gens. There was a time when some found they could use 970's, 980's, or Titans for a lot less money and get close to the same or better performance. It's just that Nvidia's top consumer cards are so close in the performance tiers that they are trying to find the niche of "affordable" pro cards.
Dang, So much for my Quad-TitanX build. I like how they made it look even more like the bat-mobile than the 1080 does.

Shuh-nuh-nuh, nuh-nuh-nuh, Bat-Card....
The 1080s are selling for a higher price than NVIDIA's website because of lack of availability. These are 3rd party sellers. NVIDIA will be the sole seller for the Pascal Titan X... and looking at the price, there won't be as many buyers as there was for the 1080
It's guaranteed, there'll be a 1080 Ti and it'll have 12 GB. If not, then it'll be DoA.

The new Titan X is for people with more money than patience. It could also ease the burden on the GP104 demand, slightly.

Ouch. Maxwell was really a big step up, you know? A single 1080 would probably outrun your 780 Ti SLI setup.
yea i believe they would. But when i upgrade its going to be big just like it was with my 780ti's. I don't want a mid level high end card. That's what the 780, 980, 1080 etc were. They are mid level high end cards. I either go the biggest "gaming" card like the 780ti over the original titan or i was going to try and actually do a titan this go around. However i was leaning towards 2 1080ti classifieds if they came out this time around but from the looks of it, it's not going to be what i want and with rumors going around that Volta will be here and announced at gtc next may then that might be the ticket. That may just provide the performance jump i'm really looking for. The 1080 is literally at its limits almost right out of the box. Founders edition cards hitting the same clocks ANY other card on the market is hitting. At least with the 980ti's, 780ti's the better the card you got the higher the clocks you were likely to get out of it and there was lots to gain from the overclocks. There is literally no difference in one card to the next with pascal aside from coolers. No benefit in the extra power connectors partners are throwing on as we see all cards hitting the same clocks, no performance differences. It's maxed out. I feel like as good a performer as pascal is it's no more than a filler product for what ever is next. I'm just not super impressed with pascal thus far aside from the across the board fps numbers. I just like to see people spending extra on partner cards and really getting their monies worth with extra performance and/or higher overclocking speeds.
The good news about Pascal is that the dies are relatively small. They didn't increase the transistor count much. That leaves plenty of headroom for adding more cores, in the next generation. And it'll really make sense to do so, once they've got HBM2.

So, you might have a point. Sit out the 10xx generation, since the step up to 11xx might be just as big.
There will be an aftermarket waterblock for this card. I think Nvidia has done the right thing with this card. VOLTA is around the corner as Pascal was designed as a stop gap to Volta. Nvidia will bring gddr5x which is faster and allows the cards to bring great 4k to the table this year as seen. I wouldnt be surprised if there was a skip gen of Ti cards as will be too close and woukd destroy future market of Titan cards ckmpletely by doing so (look at alk the comments everyone already making of 980ti sli). HMB2 will be next year pascal as will be extremely low mhz frequency as they always are with proper new chips and pascal will be more refined by then eith the HMB2 being cheaper to use by then (unless you really want to pay 2500 to 3000 per Titan X for 6gb of it). This wil allow Nvidia time to make bank on Pascal stop gap and carry on with Volta while providing us with 4k viable cards in the mean time.
It doesnt matter what consumer market you are in you will pay more for the use of new tech or the best tech.
I for one will be getting 1. But i will limit this to 1 as that will tide me over until Volta and the HMB2 is at a better optomisation out of box.
Remember AMD used HMB1 last year on the fury x 4gb vs 6gb of 980ti or 12gb of titan x 2015. This was an attempt to hit close to 980ti in stats and price with a small amount of the more expensive memory.
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