Most Stable DSL Modulation Type


Jun 2, 2016
My internet connection is an ADSL Subscription on copper lines with the following statistics :


the download speed can go up to 8Mb/s but they've (ISP) reduced it to 6Mb/s to fix problems i'm going to mention.
My DSL connection gets randomly dropped several times in day and gets back up with same quality in random times. I've checked all the things that may cause that : 1.Noise on copper lines , 2.House Telephone wiring , 3. Splitter and all are ok 100% and the thing is that i had another ADSL subscription from another ISP on this exact setup and there was no DSL link disconnecting at all . the problem is from their DSLAM and i know it but they cant fix it at all.
So i have a question that might fix my problem. Which is the most stable DSL Modulation type that can fix my problem ? (randomly dropping DSL Link) should i enable SRA (Seamless Rate Adaptation) ? (i didn't make any difference at all) These are my modems supported Modulation types :

Thank You In Forward this may help me a lot ! 😍

AFAIK you don't get to choose modulation type.
It's like fuel. You can't put diesel in a petrol engine for better economy.

Look for: adsl settings -> stability adjustment.
Start at 0dB/disabled, them move down (slower) as you need.

Keep an eye on CRC errors, depending on data usage, a few hundred a day is passable, any more and you might need to slow it down some more.
ADSL is highly variable and sensitive.

Essentially, if the problem IS on the DSLAM, nothing you can tweak will likely fix it.

Actually i called the ISP Support and asked them to change my modulation to G.DMT from their side and i changed it from here and it got switched to GDMT now im going to monitor it for 48 hours to see if anything changes !
I've Searched my router and there is nothing called stability adjustment in it . my router is TP-Link TD W9970.
Thanks for the help though !