Motherboard Choice for Overclocking ??



I am about to buy a new motherboard and wondered which one of these would be the best for me to get. I am looking to overclock my system as far as I can just using the fan/heatsink and case fans ( no watercooling yet).Please let me know why the board you choose is best. The boards that I am looking at are:

Soltek SL-75DRV5

Epox EP-8K3A+

MSI KT3 Ultra (MS-6380E v1.0)

Gigabyte GA-7VRXP

Asus A7V333

i reccomend the epox 8k3a+, so long as its the 1.2 revision + latest bios.

lots of good overclockings stuff, including vcore up to 2.2v!!!

very stable at high fsb too.

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