Motherboard has to be hard powered off, won't restart

coocoo bananas

Oct 23, 2011
Just ported an existing system (24 GB ram, amd 6970) and a new chip i7 4770k onto a new z87 motherboard: asus z87-pro.

The system now only starts about a third of the time. I have to keep holding down the power button on false starts to get it to stop and then push it again to get it to boot. The system rarely restarts properly.

I already exchanged the board for a replacement and now am having similar but less severe problems. Does anyone know what could be causing this issue?

sorry put in wrong cpu id... it is 4770 k

it is an amd 6970 card. I am using an 850 w power supply by cooler master.

The board lights up to show potential errors and I noticed when I am having a hard time gettting to post, it is indicating the video card is causing errors. However I can eventually get it to post and the card works OK. I am kind of miffed.

thanks gokul, seems to work even better without the card. Do you think it is a graphics card issue? Was running fine on old board yesterday.

did u connect "8-pin PCI Express" power supply PIN to the graphic card?