Question motherboard is causing static noise from speakers, am I safe to upgrade other components?

Oct 8, 2020
My desktop's motherboard is causing speakers to make static noise which starts after POST boot and continue till I shut down the PC, I already tried:
1- Installing a separate sound card.
2- trying a different PSU and different speakers.
3- installing the components in a different case.
So I'm almost certain that the mobo is causing this.
Things to point out:
The noise only comes from speakers, and not from headphones.
Same noise if I plugged the speakers in front or rear panel.
This is a 10 yo pc and the issue appeared from the day I brought it, but IT'S WORKING FINE and this is the only issue I encountered.

Mobo is Biostar g41
Cpu is Pentium 4 3.6GHz
No GPU is installed

My question is, I'm going to upgrade the CPU and install a GPU, is there any problem in doing this without changing the mobo?
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

We're going to need more information. Please include your system's specs like so:

What sound card did you use to rule out the static noise? What were the PSU's used? You might want to see if you're suffering from a grounding issue. Do you get a minor shock when you touch the chassis while bare feet making contact with the floor?
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Thank you!

My system's specs:
CPU: Intel pentium 4 660 3.6GHz
Motherboard: Biostar G41D3+
RAM: x1 Point Tek 2GB DDR3, x1 Silicon Power 2GB DDR3
HDD: x1 500GB Toshiba
GPU: not installed
PSU: Cute 400W
Case: ?
OS: 7

I used an very old sound card but couldn't find the driver for it, but still it caused the same noise. (I didn't say I ruled out the noise)

The PSU's I used were the one I previously mentioned and one from another working desktop which is JBC ATX-650W

Note that we don't have ground wiring in our area.
I don't get any shock when I touch the chassis bare footed, though I can feel a very little tingling, and I checked the other pc (which doesn't cause the speakers to make the noise) and I felt the same thing.
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