Motherboard LED explosion


Apr 28, 2017
Hello, few hours ago I opened my case because my computer suddenly shuted down. When I turned the power back up, a small LED bulb exploded and there was a fire about the size of my finger, there isn't a burn mark only a small mark where the bulb used to be. I am afraid to turn my computer back up but do you guys think my components are still fine? I'm okay with replacing the motherboard but not everything. I am on a tight budget so please help!
Typically if LEDs are actually exploding then you have a high voltage short through the board. Not usually a good sign for the health of your equipment.

I recommend removing the power supply and motherboard. If you want to try and recover parts you should replace those two components first. Though depending on where the problem was/is you could just damage the new components.
Typically if LEDs are actually exploding then you have a high voltage short through the board. Not usually a good sign for the health of your equipment.

I recommend removing the power supply and motherboard. If you want to try and recover parts you should replace those two components first. Though depending on where the problem was/is you could just damage the new components.