[SOLVED] Motherboard lights up, but power button unresponsive and fans don't turn on

Nov 15, 2019
I have recently built my first new pc and I encountered a problem where my mother board light only comes on, but cpu and case fans do not spin.
My specs are:
mobo: b450 f strix
cpu: ryzen 2700x
ram: corsair vengeance 16 gigs 3000
psu: NZXT 550w bronze
storage: 500 gb

I have tried searching and trying everything under the sun, by checking cpu power cord, checking ram slots, trying to jump the computer boot, checking if the cpu pins are bent, you name it. I really need help figuring this out, this is an expensive computer that Id like for it to work. Any help is appreciated and if you have more questions let me know!
If you have done a CMOS reset and idnt help, the only thing I recomment is to find and test different RAM. If the problem continues, its probably a motherboard problem and you can changed it under warranty.
If you have done a CMOS reset and idnt help, the only thing I recomment is to find and test different RAM. If the problem continues, its probably a motherboard problem and you can changed it under warranty.