Motherboard not detecting ethernet cable

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Aug 14, 2015
Hi, so I just built my new PC (thank for the help, Grif!), but when I plug in my ethernet, my pc doesn't say I have Internet connection. I know it's fine because i'm typing to this on the WiFi.

I've already restarted it. Any help appreciated
have a look on your motherboard's website and make sure the ethernet drivers are installed. once these didn't work for me so i used the disc that came with the motherboard with the drivers on and installed the ethernet one and then it worked.
It is recognized, as for the drivers. I don't know which ethernet or what drivers. I've Googled the codes on the ethernet and downloaded those drivers, but nothing.

I have checked with another ethernet and it has always worked.
Had the same problem.I solved it in bios.if you oced your cpu you need to back it to normal.Or If I remmember go in bios meni and find something LAN ethernet if its enabled put disabled or if its disabled put enable and then try..
I haven't OC'ed it yet, first night I've had it. I'll look in the BIOS, as I was thinking the same thing, I'll post back if that worked. If not, I'll go buy another (more recent) ethernet cable. Just 'set-up' BIOS last night.
have a look on your motherboard's website and make sure the ethernet drivers are installed. once these didn't work for me so i used the disc that came with the motherboard with the drivers on and installed the ethernet one and then it worked.
I have the motherboard disc, but never bothered to install (don't have a CD-drive in yet), so I'll use that. Well, since buying a new ethernet cable is out of my options list, I'll check the BIOS first and if that doesn't work, install the drivers with the disc.
if you can't use the disc just go to your motherboard's website and download the drivers from there. you should install all the drivers for your motherboard, i.e chipset, audio, ethernet. i wouldn't mess with updating bios unless absolutely nothing else works. chances are though if you haven't installed your motherboard's drivers then its that

also the ones on the website will most likely be more up to date than the ones on the disc

Do you mean with another computer's ethernet card or with another ethernet cable?Have a look at your ethernet cable. There should be 8 cables inside. Do they start with green/white or with orange/white?

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