Question Motherboard not detecting GPUS on PCIEx4 slots


Dec 27, 2008
I am building my first mining rig and I am having some issues getting the MB to detect any GPU on the PCIEx4 slots. The rig function and mine with one GPU on the PCIEx16 slot, but when I try to add the second or third I am running into issues.

I started on Windows 10, the two cards in were detected but with the exclamation error 43, updated drivers which failed several times but I think I got them to work and later tried DDU and reinstalled drivers.

Flashed the BIOS and later moved out to HiveOS. The BIOS and the cards were detected as connected on the BIOS.

Swapped risers, cables, splitters, cards, it does not seem to be a connection or power issue. I also can’t get the PC running with 1 card on the PCIEx4 slot by itself, I don’t get an image.
I did several combinations with the configs on the BIOS, but this is my current configuration:

PCIEX16Gen1 (tried Gen 2,3 auto)
PCIEGen1 (tried Gen 2,3 auto)
Abode 4g decodingEnabled
CSM (Compatibility Support Module)Disabled
HD audioDisabled
Images of [current configuration and connections] ( View:

B550 Aorus Master link
3x ASUS TUF 3070ti link
2x EVGA Supernova 1000W link
AMD Ryzen 3 3100 link
Corsair 1x8gb RAM link
120gb SSD link
All risers and splitters are from

I am running out of ideas why this isn't working... any help is appreciated.

I tried putting the PCIEx4 slots in x1 but there is no option for this in the BIOS.
Also followed this settings with no luck.
The drivers for PCI and PCIe many times are not supplied by Windows update. In Device Manager, do you see that only simple drivers were installed by Windows?
B550 Aorus Master product support should have all the drivers that go with your motherboard. A common question from all you Gigabite motherboard customers is the same. The PCIe rail is without power some would say.
Get the drivers from your online Gigabite website. The chipset drivers also may be better if you use theirs.
Update: Cards work alone connected without risers on PCIEx16 and PCIEx4 and both connected directly also work.

When I use the GPU with the riser it does work on the PCIEx16 but not on any PCIEx4
The drivers for PCI and PCIe many times are not supplied by Windows update. In Device Manager, do you see that only simple drivers were installed by Windows?
B550 Aorus Master product support should have all the drivers that go with your motherboard. A common question from all you Gigabite motherboard customers is the same. The PCIe rail is without power some would say.
Get the drivers from your online Gigabite website. The chipset drivers also may be better if you use theirs.

Im using HiveOS, do you know if this can be done via HiveOS or do I have to go back to windows?
The drivers for PCI and PCIe many times are not supplied by Windows update. In Device Manager, do you see that only simple drivers were installed by Windows?
B550 Aorus Master product support should have all the drivers that go with your motherboard. A common question from all you Gigabite motherboard customers is the same. The PCIe rail is without power some would say.
Get the drivers from your online Gigabite website. The chipset drivers also may be better if you use theirs.

So I went back to windows, installed the latest Nvidia Driver installed the AMD Chipset Driver and at one point I saw the two cards on the Device Manager without error.
But now Windows (and HiveOS) won't boot if there are two cards with risers on the MB.

Thank you for your help.