Motherboard Not Recognizing EVGA Superclock Geforce GTX 1080


Mar 28, 2017
I installed a gtx 1080 on pcie 4 and already had a gtx 960 which I put on pcie 2. (which the gtx worked fine before installing gtx 1080) It reads the gtx 960 but not the gtx 1080. I installed latest drivers. Still don't see gtx 1080 in device manager. I looked at a computer power calculator and it read that I should have enough power.

Asrock EP2C602-4L/D16 W/Dual Xeon e5-2670
Croshair cx 750m PSU
EVGA Superclock Geforce GTX 1080 W/NVIDIA GTX 960
Pull the 960 out and put the 1080 in slot 2. See if it will even read the 1080 at first then you can mess around with the 960.
Thanks for the quick response. I am at work right now, but as soon as I get home I will try that. I just built the pc this weekend. Some articles said not to update the windows 10 drivers because of issues with the motherboard. Was that the correct thing to do? I'm not a gamer. I work with 3d modeling and rendering animations.


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