Motherboard Overheating - ASUS M5A99FX Pro


Oct 11, 2016
Hello! First thank you for taking the time to read and try to help me with this problem. My motherboard keeps overheating and then my computer freezes and I have to hold the power button in to shut it down. I can't figure out what could be causing it.
After some searching I found common reasons this may be happening and I believe I have addressed these, the steps I have taken are:
1. Reapplied my thermal paste on my CPU
2. Made sure my case was dust free and has a good supply of airflow. (The case is a lanboy air with 4 side fans, 2 on front, and 2 on back including the radiator for my water cooler)
3. Re-seated most of my hardware and visually inspected the motherboard, it seems to be ok

I can't really think of what else it could be, is it just getting old? I have been running this computer daily since 2012.

PC Hardware:
Motherboard: ASUS M5A99FX PRO
CPU: AMD FD9370FHHKWOF FX-9370 FX-Series 8-Core Black Edition
CPU Cooler: Corsair Hydro Series H80i GT
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 970

Screenshots of temps at a higher state, usually shut down happens when the Temp #1 under the 9FX Pro hits 89.0.


Thank you for your time helping me!
That is the 220 Watt processor. AMD really got people on selling them, but on the motherboard support page out by the 220 Watt processors it says special motherboard cooling is required but never states what that is.
Shame on Asus even for trying to support that massive power draw on that board.

Well I didn't notice that part about the motherboard cooling, but I think that I should add this is a recent problem. The card I have had for about a year with no problems up until the last monthish. I read a post somewhere about micro cracks in the motherboard that may contribute to it, do you think that is plausible? Thanks for the reply!

A cheap solution would be sell your processor and buy a 8350 and overclock it to around the 4.5 area yourself.
Your H80 is very border line for cooling that processor even note your at 48C under a 2% load.