Motherboard selection for A8-6600K


Mar 16, 2014
I just ordered A8-6600K, not able to decide which motherboard to go with. I am thinking of going with ASUS A88XM-A as it is available in my country. My requirement is to buy a motherboard that can endure summer heat of 45C, has latest features like UEFI and supports A8-6600K fully. I won't be using it for gaming, but will be using for 10-12 hours/day and expecting a lifespan of 5 years.
The ASUS A88XM-A, will be OK for what you want. I think there is only a 3 year warranty on the board, but it should last a lot longer.

And I stay away from MSI Mobos. Bad QC.

Hey, thanks. I too heard that about MSI. Are there other boards I can go with (FM2 are okay as well, I might not upgrade to Kaveri)? My focus is on durability and UEFI. I need a motherboard that can endure 45C heat in summer and has good RAM and USB3 support.

Hey, thanks again. Can you please recommend me a few models? Should I pick models from this list?

Which one should I go with to have maximum compatibility and best durability?